Ακολουθεί ανακοίνωση της Ελβετικής Εθνικής Μονάδας σχετικά με το πλαίσιο κινητικότητας φοιτητών και προσωπικού στην Ελβετία. Συγκεκριμένα, η Ελβετία παραμένει στο ίδιο καθεστώς (χώρα εταίρος του Προγράμματος) και κατά συνέπεια η μετακίνηση φοιτητών για σπουδές / πρακτική άσκηση και προσωπικού για διδασκαλία / επιμόρφωση μπορεί να γίνει μόνο μέσω συμφωνίας του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων με αντίστοιχο Ελβετικό ίδρυμα, η δε χρηματοδότηση της μετακίνησης γίνεται αποκλειστικά από το Ελβετικό Κράτος και όχι από το Πρόγραμμα Erasmus+.


Switzerland’s status as a partner country remains unchanged: Switzerland won’t rejoin the programme during this Erasmus+ generation.

To ensure the continuity of mobility activities with the Erasmus+ programme countries for 2017-2020, the Federal Council proposed to continue the interim solution for Erasmus+ supported by Swiss funding.

For the higher education sector the main features still will be as follows:

  • The interim solution for E+ for higher education is called the Swiss-European Mobility Programme and follows the principles of Erasmus+;
  • Student mobility for studies and staff mobility for teaching are based on inter-institutional agreements between Swiss and European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs);
  • Swiss HEIs can apply for Swiss funding for the purpose of outgoing and incoming mobility activities (key action 1) with any Erasmus+ programme country. The grants for incoming mobilities will be paid to the ultimate beneficiaries by Swiss HEIs;
  • Eligible activities for funding include all types of mobility: for study (SMS) or traineeships (SMT), for teachers (STA) and staff (STT). Traineeships in Switzerland can only be funded if they are coordinated by a Swiss partner HEI;
  • The grants for the Swiss Calls will be published on our website.

For Strategic Partnerships and Knowledge Alliances for 2017-2020: Swiss HEIs or organisations can participate in two ways: either as full partners under the condition that they bring an added value to the project (and participate on top of the minimum number of partners from programme countries required), or within the framework of the Swiss interim solution (as an associated partner with national funding). You will find additional information on our website.

The Federal Council will address the question of renewed association to the follow-up programme to Erasmus+ for the new programme period starting in 2021, and is continuing discussions with the European Commission to this effect.